Cast Learning Management System

Our premier Learning Management system helps you bring your e-Learning vision closer to reality.

Available on multiple platforms

Your own personalized learning management system will be available and ready to consume on all platforms — from Web and Android to iOS — making asynchronous e-learning content dissemination all the more easier.


Offline availability

Courses and content on the Cast LMS are downloadable for offline consumption, helping your target learners with unstable internet connections access your content.

Advanced analytics and learner data

Monitor learner performance, course activity, content feedback, and other pieces of data that will prove useful for you and your e-learning development.

Subscription and maintenance service

Our technical support team is ready and at your service to address all your issues on regular working days.


White-labeled with your branding

 Cast LMS is fully customizable and can completely represent you and your company or organization with your branding.


To view this in action, watch the trailer below for the DFA's Cast LMS deployment featuring e-Learning content developed by Buri Technologies and Habi Education Lab.

DFA Launches Learning Management System in Celebration of the 2020 National Women’s Month